Office Rug Ideas for Stylish Workspace Décor
Whether you are designing your corner office on Wall Street, your cozy home office, or your not so cozy cubicle, office decor ideas can be an excruciating task. But, I have compiled a list of all of the factors you should consider and how to design around them. Decorating your office is not as easy as decorating your home or some interior designing task. You must keep these key things in mind:
- Do you have clients?
- Are you offering a service or a product?
- Is your profession fun or more serious?
- What type of environment do you like to work in?
- Do you have a cubicle, home office, or corporate office?
If you ask me, I am a fan of using the brightly colored and catchy overdyed rugs in your offices. These are also famous for office rugs. Below I give you a few simple tricks to follow to make the whole process as smooth as possible!
Office Rugs: Yay or Nay? I am being brutally honest here: I absolutely love rugs in my office. Yet during the course of this article, I would try to be as objective as I can. Office carpets resemble home ones in most of their aspects. Below is the list of factors that for once can impact your decision of having one. Who Pays? Rugs can come inexpensive (unless you get them from Rugknots of course), all the more if you are paying for them. In case your employers are doing you the favor, you ought to step the steam up. On the other side of the spectrum, if you are bearing the cost, you better know the market rate. In that regard, how much does office carpet cost? It depends, both on quality and quantity (dimensions).

Carpets tend to start around the 100 buck mark and potentially touch million. A decent carpet would cost you upwards of 1000. Placement: Is your office good enough for a rug? Is there a void that needs filling? Rugs do liven up the surroundings, but only if they meet standards of proportionality. By those standards, what measurement should an office rug be? You should be looking at a carpet which is large enough to be tucked under sidelining. Too small a rug decimates any sort of presentability, all the very least adding some. I am pretty pessimistic in a cubicle. While middling offices have it pretty cozy, larger ones suffer too, given the proportional rise in expenditure. Well, those were the two factors that could potentially alter your decision to buy a carpet for your workplace. If you are still at it, why not shop one right here, right now? All you need to do is take the office measurements and filter for adjacent sizes.
How Big Should An Area Rug Be In An Office?
It depends upon what kind of place you have, the nature of your work, and the dimensions of your workplace. Experts always recommend products that have a reasonable price and save you from unnecessary hassle. Whether it be a cushion cover, the objective is to cover up for things you need to hide or protect while adorning their exterior. When you go shopping for carpets, the first thing that attracts you to a particular piece is its colors and pattern. Then comes the texture, which depends on what material it is made of.
Obviously, a jute carpet can never match the smoothness of wool. But in the end, functionality matters most to the people at work as opposed to home. In case your office is at home, you have to ensure both the aspects of functionality and beauty. So whether you opt for jute, wool, or synthetic, make sure that it suits in terms of budget, measurement, material, color, and design pattern. You can always consult experts from RugKnots, who care for your satisfaction as much as recommend the rugs sales. Scientists are of the view that your efficiency enhances in an environment that makes you exuberant, fresh, and happy. The interior of an office or home reflects the very nature and mindset of the occupants. If your home office has hardwood flooring, a large rug can warm up the room, both literally and figuratively. You can ensure warmth for a comfortable walk, as well as visual and style warmth.
Area rugs are a great décor item for tying a room together and making it look and feel complete, but it can be overwhelming for some, to select a large area rug. Some people need help in deciding what type of area carpet would work best in a home office. How big should it be and what colors should you consider for a home office? Well, there are some tips to help you get started on choosing a large area rug for your home office. Before you go shopping, read the following tips to help make it easier. Paying heed to recommended stuff here might get you a better bargain. Suitable equipment would be a tape measure. Stick the metal strip into one end and note down the linear marker at the opposite one. That gives you either the width or the length. Repeat the process with another two ends to get both length and width. In case you don’t have a tape measure, you can always use a ruler. Yes, the precision suffers, but in most cases, you only need an approximation floor!
Office Decor Ideas For A Classy Look
1. Whether Or Not You Have Clients
At the end of the day, your clients are what keep you in business. They should be your number one priority when thinking about design. Here is What You Need to Know: If you are using your office for consultations with clients (in-home or outside of the home) Be sure that when they walk in through the door, your face is visible. It is a very weird thing to say, but, you know what's weirder? Having your clients stand there awkwardly because you didn't notice them while you're deep in thought or typing away. #awkward. If you have a secretary to inform you of when a client will be entering, you should still have your face visible to the door. As humans, we naturally search for other human faces. For some reason, we find it comforting to be able to spot a face in a room. Having the door in your sightlines will help avoid any awkward situations and put your clients at ease.
2. The Computer Screen Should Never Be Visible To Anyone But Yourself
Now this one only pertains to those who have clients. You never want to accidentally have one client see the personal information of another client - or if you work at home, a spouse, a child, or a friend. In some professions, like doctors and attorneys, client information is protected by law. Even if you aren't dealing with information that is protected by law, most people still do not want things like their address shown to strangers. To avoid the mess, be sure it can't be seen. If you work in a shared office space, be sure to follow the rules and culture of the office. Some employers prefer that screens are visible to anyone in the office. But if your employer does not have a preference or you work for yourself, keep those screens to yourself!
3. Is Your Business Light-Hearted Or Serious?
So what I mean by that is do you have a product or service that is light-hearted or something a little heavy? If you're a photographer, party planner, or something along those lines, feel free to express as much creativity as possible! With creative professions, you can really have free reign in terms of decor. Express your personal style to show your clients who you are and what you are capable of! If your profession is a little more heavy like an attorney or personal accountant, be sure to express that in what you do. I'm not saying that you shouldn't express your personal style, but you should keep a classic design with timeless decor. This type of design is perfect for attorneys, personal accountants, and professionals dealing with serious matters. Office design is really more about psychology than design. Having a whimsy office will show that you're fun and light-hearted, but that is not what you want when you're defending your client in a court of law or writing their will. The solid wood desk and paneling display solidarity and subconsciously tell you that you're distinguished. But you don't have to go all out and have your office paneled... Opt for a solid wood desk, some built-ins to show off your (expensive) books and degrees, and sturdy tufted chairs for that distinguished look.
4. Are Your Clients Regularly Visiting Your Office?
Some designers disagree but I think that it is important to keep consistency in mind. Invest in timeless furniture, rugs, and artwork and leave the smaller pieces to be switched in and out. If your clients are coming to you multiple times over their lifetime, you want them to feel at home and at ease. And consistency helps achieve that.
5. Provide Adequate And Appropriate Seating For Your Clients
If you see clients for consultations in your office, always provide at least two comfortable seats for the clients. Even if you usually only have one client, two adds balance to space. It is always a good idea to have additional seating ready in case someone brings an entourage. You can have simple wood chairs stored in a closet for when the moment arises. If you want to get your clients in and out (a profession that does not pay by the hour), go for a straight back chair without arms. If you are paid by the hour, choose plush chairs with large armrests and a slightly reclined back. The former pushes clients out and the latter encourages them to settle in. Some professionals like psychologists may want to opt for a couch for comfort. Now that we have covered clients, let's talk about design!
You will need:
- A desk
- A chair (for you to sit on)
- 2 client chairs (if you have clients)
- Rug
- Art
My advice is to always start with office rugs ideas. A rug is a large purchase and it is very hard to match other design elements. Find a rug that you love and then build your design from there - followed by art, then the desk, chairs, and accessories.
All The Tips While Working For Office Decor!
Busy Environments
If you thrive off of busy environments, feel free to go crazy with knick-knacks and design elements galore! There are pretty cool office rugs out there nowadays to select from. Keep your rug under desk simple, though. If you decide to go with a patterned chair (like the client above), opt for a simple textured piece like this ivory Soumak rug.
Clean Environment
Some of us just need a sleek and simple environment to clear our minds and get some work done. You Need Tons of Light This is me, for sure! I love love love natural light so I always try to soak in as much as possible. To optimize the natural light in your office, go for whites and a light and airy rug. Not all offices have big beautiful windows, so fake it! Use mirrored lighting, a bright chair, and of course, a huge selfie mirror! The light reflective surface will help the sunlight bounce all over the magnitude. Be sure not to overdo the dark and remember to have lots of natural and overhead light. It is also essential to balance the room with a dark and light mixed carpet. If the rug is too light or too dark, the whole place is thrown off balance. Therefore, it is recommended to consult an interior designer to keep this sense of balance intact.
What Type Of Office Do You Have?
If you have a home office, you can pretty much do what you want. But if you work in a corporate or shared workplace, or have a cubicle, you will have to follow along with your workplace culture. If you have a cubicle, you are pretty restricted. Go to the fabric store and grab some nice fabric. Velcro the fabric to the walls of your cubicle for easy removal and voila! You've got some funky wallpaper!
Add A Plant And Voila!
If you have your own sub-job within your greater office, you have a little more free reign. Be sure to keep with the culture of your company. That is especially important if you have just started working there. Exemplary boss design is if you work at a hedge fund, you may not want pink ruffles and crystals draping from the ceiling. After you have worked there a while, delivered results, and become a boss (in every sense of the word), go crazy with all the pink ruffles you want! Remember the life of the carpet. And if your workplace belongs to a health profession, keeping it clean becomes even more essential.
How To Place An Area Rug In Your Office?
Well! The aspect of measurement comes up first. Although trends keep changing and so are the tastes of people from time to time, choosing an awkward measurement is never going to suit you. If the rug is too small, it won't seem proportionate to the measurement of the area you intend to cover. That would display a not very well thought out plan. The same goes for the situation where your rug is awkwardly large for the area. That gives the impression that it has overwhelmed the design and space. Moreover, going beyond the suitable range costs you more. Your rug must be sized such that all your places are perfectly framed on it. If you wish to place an area rug pad below the rug, remove the luxury first. Lay the rug and make your markings. Then pull the rug halfway back. Place the pad according to the markings. Peel the plastic while rolling out the pad. Pull the half-folded rug back. Repeat the same process on the other end. Smooth out any air trapped between the rug and the pad. Then remove the markings and trim any extra pad coming out. The front legs of your furniture must be on the rug. The theme must match with the room and the overall color scheme of your office. You must also see the orientation of the carpet. It should run parallel with the room or with the most extended piece of the space. A well-placed rug in the right size can enhance the value of your job. And one more thing. Its always good to surf online and see the range of rugs and carpets the world over. You can also specifically compare with the trends of other countries. So if you wish to see what kind of carpet is popular in the UK, search rugs UK online or rugs office or similar words. You'll find quite an enormous range and data on rugs for office and home to help you make your mind.
How Do I Choose A Home-Office Rug?
Again, it would depend on how big your home office is and what kind of work you engage in. If you're running a management consultancy firm and your clients are few, you might think of ordering any rug online that you come across. I have come across several professionals who get so absorbed in their professions that they lose sight of the more subtle things in life. But I have also learned from experience that to enjoy life comprehensively. That to cherish and celebrate small little things and events that include beauty and warmth in our lives make our success more complete. Once I visited a successful writer who had a beautiful place in her home. She specialized in children's literature. As soon as I entered her place, I was struck with utter simplicity, yet a touch of thought-provoking class. I can vividly recall the light brown rug that bore the design of the front cover theme of her most memorable novel. Always make sure that the aspects of functionality, aesthetics, durability, are given due importance. A home office can turn into one of your living rooms once the work hours are over. Modern interior designing is all about using the space in a smart multi-purpose way. Your home office rug has to reflect your work ethics as well as your vision of a complete home. And that does not mean you have to spend too much money on it. At times, you find a cheap office rug with the kind of design and material that genuinely matches with your taste. The same logic applies to the size of your carpet. You don't need to buy a big rug to make a statement about how much you can spend. The best rug for a home office is one which protects your place, enhances the decor, life and makes a statement about how refined and logical your taste is.
Can You Put A Rug On The Carpet In The Office?
I would say, why not. But again, interior decoration is something related to your peculiar needs and tastes. Let us say that you have a carpet which is old enough to show signs of wear and tear. You might want to cover those up by placing a reasonably sized rug over it, as that makes perfect sense.
Size: A rug that is too small, resembling a kind of island in your room, not touching any furniture seems ugly. Try to go for a rug that matches the size of the room.
Texture: When it comes to placing an area rug over carpet, the main point is to vary the texture. Most of the time, area rugs are good to use over short-pile or looped carpet. Putting a luxurious shag rug over it may include that unique element of class that the light on.
Choosing the color for your area rug often needs multiple considerations. Make sure that rug compliments the color of the carpet and does not, in any way, take away the overall charm. You may be laying down an area rug because you cannot stand the existing wall-to-wall carpet, such as in a rental unit, but trust us, it will look much worse if you just throw down a rug that clashes with what is underneath. As for the pattern matching, make sure that if the carpet has a design that attracts attention, it must be kept intact. You can do that by laying a plain rug. But if you have a plain broadloom, you can use a rug that has a pattern.
Add Some Life!
Every room in your home should have a living thing. Whether a small tree, a plant, a cat, some goldfish, whatever. You would be surprised as to how much a living thing can revitalize your room. Plants bring in some fresh oxygen for a workplace that can sometimes feel stale. Place some apples, tangerines, or another fruit in a bowl on your desk. That will include some life and color and encourage you to snack healthy. Even better, free Shipping and Returns. So if you try the rug in your place and it just does not work, there is no charge to you!
Frequently Asked Questions About Office Rugs
1. What Type Of Rugs Is Best For A Home Office?
Since the home office is a personal space, you want to make sure that your rug matches your personality and style. Keep in mind the colors of your furniture before making a decision about color. Usually, rugs made of polypropylene are best for a home office because they are durable, easy to clean, and provide cushioning. You can also use wool rugs that are durable and easy to clean.
2. How To Find The Perfect Rug Size For The Office?
The average rug is about one foot in width and two feet long. If you have an oddly shaped room or want more detail on how much material will be needed for each square footage of your space, you should consult with your rug store. Measure your space before you go shopping, this will help you get an idea of how much material it takes to cover one square foot and how many feet of fabric is needed. For example, if you need a rectangular shape rug for a rectangular space that is six feet by four feet, you will need 36 square feet of material.
2. What If The Office Has No Carpet?
If there is no carpeting in your office, either because it's an open-concept floor plan or because of past damage to the carpets such as stains or holes, installing rugs will help keep dirt and debris from accumulating on the floor. You can place rugs even if your office does not have carpet.
3. How Do You Place An Area Rug In The Office?
You should place the rug in a spot that is away from doorways and high-traffic walking areas. When placing the rug in the office, you should not place it in front of a desk or table as it may get scratched, or in front of a chair as someone may trip over it. The best place to put an area rug in the office is in the hallways or in large spacious areas like lounges or waiting rooms. You can also place the rug in the center of a seating area.
4. What Are The Benefits Of Area Rugs In The Office?
Rugs can provide an elegant feel to the office and show off pieces from your collection, such as art prints or furnishings. They also help improve room acoustics by absorbing sound waves created by speech and other forms of office noise. Walking on them also helps to improve your posture due to the soft, flat surface that you can adjust and position for comfort.
5. How Can I Decorate My Professional Office?
The best way to decorate your office is to buy an area rug that has a print or pattern you are drawn to. You can also purchase rugs for your office with designs like tribal, medallion, geometric and floral patterns. The unique styles of the rug will make a beautiful addition to your office and would perfectly decorate your space.
6. What Pile Height Should The Rug Have For High Traffic Areas In An Office?
Pile height is important for high traffic areas in an office because it will help to cushion footsteps and reduce trips or falls. You should purchase thicker rugs with a pile height of about one inch so that you can walk on the rug without causing wear patterns on the surface.
If you've been finding it difficult to get rugs, well RugKnots online carpet shopping store, One of the top rug brands of America is the ultimate destination! Also, if you need any guidance in terms of rugs, feel free to reach out to us! Email us at or call us at (240) 252-5452. We are happy to solve your queries! Also, visit our web page for an enormous collection of rugs!