Hand Loomed Rugs Hand Loomed Rugs#https://www.rugknots.com/collections/hand-loomed-rugs
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In these modern times, hand loomed rugs are becoming more and more popular. Why? They're a great way to add some color to your home or office space without the high cost of buying new furniture. You may also be able to find one that matches the colors you already have in your room. The world is changing rapidly. The handcrafted art of rug weaving has been lost in the pursuit of mass production and efficiency. The best way to make your home look luxurious yet rustic is by adding a hand-loomed rug. These rugs are not only beautiful but are also durable and eco-friendly. If you're looking for the perfect piece of art to hang on your wall, then this blog post may be just what you need! Here's an overview of our top 20 picks for Hand-Loomed Rugs that will be coming out in 2024. Read on if you want to know more about these stunning pieces of work.

1. Grey Neutral Area Rug

The neutral area rug is the perfect addition to nearly any room. The intricate patterns are amazing for your home decor and its new zealand wool making them very foot traffic friendly. Whatever size you're looking for, we have it in our selection of handmade by Indians centuries old tradition of beautiful handwoven rugs that will work perfectly with any style or decoration. Not to mention, they are all machine washable and soft to touch- what more could you want? Also beautifully handle your pet hair and stain.

Grey Neutral Area Rug

2. Brown Neutral Area Rug

Low pile rugs are the perfect way to add warmth and coziness to your living room. This rug is hand-loomed from high quality wool, so it's not only neutral but durable too. With a naturally soft surface and such a sleek design, this carpet will make bare feet happy for hours! Not just cozy on the ground, this rug is good looking too, with its subtle use of blues and grays against the off white product stain resistant fibers for easy care. A stunning addition in any room or hallway with lots of traffic like dining spaces or kitchens where people need that added touch of fashionability without sacrificing practicality.

Brown Neutral Area Rug

3. Green Neutral Area Rug

The neutral Area Rug is crafted from 100% Viscose pile and can be used in virtually any room of the home. The intricately patterned rug will make even an ugly floor look beautiful! It has a soft texture that is stain resistant, so you can easily remove stubborn dirt with some soap and water. Best of all, this rug will make your space feel warm and welcoming at an affordable price! the entire rug appearance is so simple and complements your formal sitting areas.

Green Neutral Area Rug

4. Brown Transitional Area Rug

This hand-loomed rug is durable, neutral, and so soft your kids will love rolling around on it after they're done playing. The pile height of this Area Rug is 0.37 inches (which is just the right amount for most high traffic areas) and made from 100% Wool Pile material that's perfect for bare feet! We recommend a neutral rug to bring simplicity to an otherwise cluttered space. Place these rugs in the living room or bedroom to create added warmth on those cold mornings. Grab one while you can before we run out!

Brown Transitional Area Rug

5. Grey Neutral Area Rug

High pile wool seems like a classic luxury to have in your living room. Cuddle up next to the fireplace as you talk about life with this casual rug by your feet. Has enough of that luxurious, cashmere-like touch while still holding onto the old-school rugged style that is loved in many modern settings. Excellent for all contemporary and traditional home styles, this low pile rug will keep you walking on clouds (or something lower and more densely woven anyway).

Grey Neutral Area Rug

6. Ivory Neutral Area Rug

Neutral Area Rug is a luxurious area rug that will add to the beauty and comfort of your flooring. Made from Indian Hand-loomed viscose, this product has intricate patterns that'll make your space more vibrant than ever before. Neutral Rugs come in different sizes so you can find one to fit perfectly in any room: 2'6"x8', 3'6"x5'6", 5'x8', 7'6"x9’6”, 8'X11', 9'6" x 13'. Plus, they're stain resistant and nearly indestructible - just use warm water with mild detergent! These options are soft on touch and help in high foot traffic areas too.

Ivory Neutral Area Rug

7. Grey Southwestern Area Rug

Create a masterpiece of rustic, modern design with your own hand-loomed natural fiber area rug. Designed to match every contemporary aesthetic and find the perfect home in any low pile or wall to wall carpeting space, these rugs are exactly what true artisans have always craved but cannot create - quality products for all their hard work! Thoughtful construction includes durable loop pile fibers that will provide you with years of enjoyment. The ultimate gift for anyone who deserves luxury, this timeless piece is bound to warm up any room as it stirs admiration within guests with its irresistible tones and patterns.

Grey Southwestern Area Rug

8. Red Geometric Area Rug

The Geometric Area Rug is an area rug with a beautiful and complex geometric design. The 100% Polypropylene pile makes this rug soft underfoot and breathable, but it's also stain resistant thanks to the synthetic fibers. It has a low pile height, so it doesn't crowd floors or furnishings, making it ideal for nearly any room in your home! It's machine washable so you can keep your flooring fresh-smelling even if there are accidents; all you need is a damp cloth (and be careful about using detergent!) You'll love how effortlessly this beautiful rug accents your space - just add furniture and accessories from our online home decor store!

Red Geometric Area Rug

9. Tan Southwestern Area Rug

Turn your living area into a regal empire with this soft yet durable hand-loomed natural fiber rug. Rug pads are available to ensure that this stunning rug is preserved and protects against bumps, scrapes, scratches, and spills. The neutral color palette makes it suitable for every design style so you can match your décor effortlessly. Roll out these rugs in high traffic areas like the family room or kitchen to create cozy memories on any bare foot!

Tan Southwestern Area Rug

10. Beige Southwestern Area Rug

Are you looking for a rug that will put the finishing touches on an amazing living room? The area rug is perfectly coordinated with your neutral furniture and wall to wall carpeting. The natural fibers are easy on bare feet while providing warmth in high traffic areas. It's a stunning addition to any home, from Parisian-style lofts to cosmopolitan dwellings in New York City.

Beige Southwestern Area Rug

11. Brown Southwestern Area Rug

Hand-loomed natural fibers make it easy to come up with a more attractive room, and you won't want to leave home without this expertly crafted rug for your living space. Handmade Rugs offer high quality and an unmatched appearance that will be the centerpiece of any room. The flexible and durable design means a perfect match for any homeowner looking for quality; low pile rugs are comfortable enough to take barefoot while remaining unspoiled by heavy foot traffic! It doesn't get better than the Area Rug at RugKnots Store today!

Brown Southwestern Area Rug

12. Grey Geometric Area Rug

This geometric area rug is made by hand and carefully constructed to provide a durable and stylish addition to any room. With its high durability, it's an excellent choice for an active family but can be used in almost any room of the home, allowing you to mix patterns together or match your colors. We use only 100% synthetic fibers, so even with years of use, this rug won't get dirty as easily because our fiber stands up perfectly to kids, pets, spills, stains, and scuffs. It also holds up well in wet areas like kitchens and bathrooms making it perfect for combining different design concepts throughout your home!

Grey Geometric Area Rug

13. Grey Neutral Area Rug

This neutral rug brings instant sophistication to any room with its sandy grey color and classic, soft velvet pile. This is easily the most versatile rug you'll ever own! It works great in hallways, bedrooms, living rooms.you name it. Stay classy from room to room with this stylish number! The neutrals' latest area rug is sure to please any decorator. Sleek design, soft texture, stain resistant, and nearly anywhere you want it. This neutral baby has a timeless appeal that cannot be beaten! This is the rug for your living room or bedroom.

Grey Neutral Area Rug

14. Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

Warm your feet, decorate your floor and add some texture to your space with this durable area rug. These rugs are made from natural fibers like cut wool or raw cotton that can withstand heavy traffic areas while still being soft to the touch. We offer a wide variety of styles and colors that will suit any décor style for every room in the house—from transitional to traditional. These type of persian rug is a true work of art, created by hand using small steps such as weaving yarns together across an open space on a loom.

Multi-Color Southwestern Area Rug

15. Grey Neutral Area Rug

With its timeless and classic color, The Grey Neutral Area Rug is in vogue for any room. Whether you're seeking a rug to accentuate the living room or common areas, this neutral rug will meld with your décor seamlessly. Want to find out what sets it apart? It's made from 100% Viscose Pile which assures that it is soft underfoot, stain resistant, nearly any size layout possible! For those who want an attractive design as well as durability for years of use - go with the Grey Neutral Area Rug.

Grey Neutral Area Rug

16. Blue Neutral Area Rug

Get cozy in your home with the beautiful hand-loomed rugs from RugKnots! Your favorite furry friend will never be happier with a 100% wool pile height of just 0.37 inches. While you're living our high-quality rugs for yourself, please take note that each and every one is hand tied to ensure lasting wear and beauty. We additionally offer free 30 day returns, so if it turns out you were looking for something else after all -simply send it back to us!

Blue Neutral Area Rug

17. Brown Southwestern Area Rug

Shamelessly colorful, this beautiful handmade area rug is made from handwoven pure wool. Our Gramercy Collection will be a modern take on the traditional Kashmir design, a flashy representation of your bold taste for life. In terms of shape and size, it's pretty self-explanatory — but if you need a little guidance regarding other measurements (like weight and height), this carpet offers the following dimensions: 5'3"x7'6", 7'10"x9'10", 9'6"x13'. The pile height currently measures at 0.37". Pretty good for something that has to endure an 8 to 10 pm champagne toast! Shipping is always free when you order any continental US state.

Brown Southwestern Area Rug

18. Blue Geometric Area Rug

This hand loom rug is designed to feel soft underfoot. The durable Wool Rugs may not offer the same quality as a hand-tufted wool rug. The low pile construction ensures that this piece can serve any dining room or living space needs without overwhelming the area with a thick texture. Made from 100% wool and available in a variety of colors, it's easy to find one for every design motif

Blue Geometric Area Rug

19. Grey Geometric Area Rug

The Wool Area Rug is soft and ready to take on anything. This beautiful classic design will never go out of style, with its teal hues warming every home's environment. It brings in a cushioned feel for all who walk across its lush minimalistic pattern. The wool material feels soft under foot, providing an irresistible sense of security during your entire time walking about the ground level rug. Fall even more in love as you discover the subtle hints of tans offsets against a rust color palette, making this timeless treasure one that can still be enjoyed today (and tomorrow).

Grey Geometric Area Rug

20. Green Geometric Area Rug

The hand loom area rugs we offer are an excellent way to add a touch of class and warmth to any room. Made with 100% wool pile and professionally hand-knotted, these masterpieces will redefine your idea of rug quality! Offering a zero hassle returns policy for up to 30 days after purchase, our expert customer service is on standby 24 hours for anyone who needs advice or arranging a return. Experience the softness underfoot every day from this low pile rug that won't compromise design!

Green Geometric Area Rug

21. Grey Neutral Area Rug

I hope you never step on one of our Indian Hand Loomed rugs as the rough piles are not conducive to comfortable feet. I say this because the 0.4 inches high pile height makes any rug gentle and forgiving beneath your toes, no matter if it's in a bedroom or living room. We offer free shipping and returns for 30 days, which is more than enough time to try out a new area rug that will turn any space into an inviting place to relax and unwind after a long day at work or school! And whether you're looking for dining room furniture sets, kitchen appliances, low pile rugs, wool rugs online or something else entirely different, we have tons of options for every size budget;

Grey Neutral Area Rug

22. Brown Transitional Area Rug

your house has never been more fashionable than when you use our Brown Transitional Area Rug. Like a mirror, light bounces off the geometric patterns of this rug and brightens up any room. The sheer design makes it nearly impossible to see traffic on the plush pile for longer lasting wear. A damp cloth is enough all you need to mop away stains from spills or drool streaks. Fill your home with beauty and thoughtfulness with a new area rug that will be an ideal addition in nearly any room of your home, whether it's in the living room, bedroom, kitchen, or kids playroom!

Brown Transitional Area Rug

23. Grey Neutral Area Rug

This exquisite rug has a timeless and classic look that will anchor any style of décor. The soft yet plush texture is soft to the touch and incredibly versatile for nearly any room in your home. Keep this neutral floor covering looking clean and new with minimal care. The neutral colors in this rug will blend well with any room decor. With a wool pile height of 0.40, you can take comfort from knowing that it is durable enough for any activity while maintaining its luxurious appearance. These rugs are made from 100% Viscose Pile and created via Indian Hand Loomed construction, making them stain resistant and nearly any room appropriate. Place our neutral rug anywhere; the only question left to ask yourself is why did you wait so long?

Grey Neutral Area Rug

Frequently Asked Questions About Hand Loomed Rugs

1. What Is A Hand Loomed Rug?

Traditional hand loomed rugs are handwoven on a vertical loom with a mounted wrap. They frequently lack fringes as well as properly fixed ends and sides. They're made by threading strands of fiber together and pressing them together. The latex gives the handloom rug resilience, preventing it from unraveling. The hand woven rug texture is like bamboo silk.

2. What Is The Difference Between Hand Loomed And Hand-Woven?

When a hand-knotted rug is made, these are run on the loom before any knots are added. The weft for a handwoven rug, on the other hand, is created during the weaving process. That is the most basic distinction between the two approaches, but there is much more to learn about both so get detailed from rug online information.

3. Are Hand Loomed Area Rugs Good?

In typical use, a low-quality hand-knotted rug will have a usable life of roughly 20 years. After 100 years, high-quality hand-knotted rugs are still in use. An average hand-tufted rug can last 5 to 7 years, whereas high-quality custom-made Hand-Tufted Rugs can last up to 30 years. Hand-loomed rugs are a sustainable product because the art of hand loom weaving is not lost, so the material will never run out. They're also very affordable when you consider how long some of them last. Plus, they can be customized to suit any décor!

4. What Is The Difference Between Hand Tufted And Hand Loomed?

Hand-tufted rugs (also known as handmade rugs) are formed by punching individual threads through a fabric sheet with a device known as a "tufting gun." A vertical frame known as a hand knitting loom is used to create hand knotted rugs. Thread columns are stretched from the top to the bottom of the loom.

5. Why Are Handmade Rugs Better?

Handmade rugs are preferable for a variety of reasons: Handmade rugs are more durable than machine-made rugs and can last a lifetime. A handmade rug will have tiny flaws that provide character and individuality. Handmade rugs are woven with the highest quality materials by artisans. Handmade rugs are better because they provide a durable product that is not mass-produced in a factory. This means that there is less chance of damage or errors, and the rug has a unique look. What makes handmade rugs so attractive is the care taken in each handcrafted rug. There is no production line here, just people who believe in taking pride in their work, resulting in high-quality products. You can rest assured knowing that these finely crafted creations will last for years and years without becoming worn or dull!

6. Can You Vacuum A Wool Rug?

Easy does it when it comes to vacuuming your wool carpeting. 2-4 times a month, use a vacuum with no beater bar to gently clean your wool rug. While beater bars effectively remove dirt from synthetic fibers, they are quite harsh on wool, which sheds easily. You can vacuum a wool rug, but it requires special consideration. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for your machine and vacuum cleaner to see what kind of attachments or settings you need.- Beware of loose wool fibers coming up with this suction; you may want to use a light brush attachment on the end of the hose (or just use upholstery tools).- Monitor the rug as you clean: stop when there are many more dirty patches than clean spots left on it. Fill or empty your vacuum bag at least every six months so that all dirt and debris has time to properly decompose before being sucked back into your room air. So follow the light procedure for hand knotted wool rugs.

7. What Is The Safest Rug Pad For Hardwood Floors?

In terms of both safety and performance, natural rubber is the finest overall solution for hardwood floors. It's completely safe to use or to put rug pads with any type of hardwood flooring or finish. Natural rubber offers a lot of gripping force, but it won't stick to your floors.

8. What Size Rug Should I Get For Dining Room?

A dining room rug that is four feet longer and wider than your table is ideal. You'll need 18 to 24 inches on each side so you and your guests can slide chairs out without tripping over the rug's edge.

9. What Types Of Rug Pads Are There In Market?

Evaluate the following rug pads according to safety and floor compatibility for your needs:

1. Edge-Tab Padding - hardwood floor compatible with an adhesive that attaches securely to the bottom edge of rugs; allows for total clearance under furniture so as not to drag on the floor

2. No edge-tab padding - soft padding, reversible fabric backing with a Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer strip, making it hardy for any surface

3. Serged Edging over Padding - the same durability as no edging yet provides a neat and tidy finish

4. Hinged Pad Tape Systems – durable protection with serged edges, offers easy pad replacement (good when moving or frequently vacuuming


We have a large selection of gorgeous, high-quality rug collections in stock. We've compiled a list of the greatest rugs with environmental images that will undoubtedly meet or exceed customer expectations on our website RugKnots. We hope you will now take advantage of this deal and acquire one today. If you have any questions about any of our rugs, please don't hesitate to contact us at (301) 660-7046 or info@rugknots.com at any time. It's what we're known for: our cheerful customer care operators are here and ready to answer all questions quickly while delivering honest advice in a no-pressure environment. Thank you for spending our precious time reading this, and we hope to be of assistance to you in the near future.

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